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Former members Current Contact Ph.D.Thesis
Heshan Yu

Associate Professor at Tianjin University

E-mail: heshanyu@tju.edu.cn
Jiangdong Ji

Ph.D candidate at Nanjing University

Yujun Shi

Ph.D candidate at Shandong University

Yanli Jia

Postdoc at Tsinghua University

E-mail: yanlijia@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Hua Yang

Employment in Vipshop

E-mail: 15311476964@163.com
Ge He

Postdoc at Walther-Meissner Institute

E-mail: gehe@iphy.ac.cn
Xinjian Wei

Assistant Researcher at Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences

E-mail: weixj@baqis.ac.cn
Zhongpei Feng

Associate Researcher at Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory

E-mail: fengzhongpei@sslab.org.cn
Wei Hu

Associate Research Professor at University of Science and Technology of China

E-mail: huwei27@ustc.edu.cn
Xu Zhang

Postdoc at Fudan University

E-mail: xuzhang_fd@fudan.edu.cn
Zhongxu Wei

Postdoc at Southern University of Science and Technology

E-mail: weizx@sustech.edu.cn
Mingyang Qin

Postdoc at Southern University of Science and Technology

E-mail: qinmy@sustech.edu.cn
Zefeng Lin

Postdoc at Huairou Branch of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

E-mail: linzefeng@iphy.ac.cn
Xiaodong Yu

Postdoc at Huairou Branch of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

E-mail: xiaodongyu@iphy.ac.cn
Fucong Chen

Postdoc at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

E-mail: fucong@iphy.ac.cn
Zhuang Ni

Engineer at The 510th Institute of the 5th Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporations

E-mail: johnsongallery@163.com
Liping Zhang

Engineer at Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences

E-mail: zhanglp@baqis.ac.cn
Xingyu Jiang

Postdoc at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

E-mail: xingyujiang@iphy.ac.cn
Ruozhou Zhang

Postdoc at Fudan University

E-mail: ruozhouzhang@fudan.edu.cn
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